I have put a few tips together to help you easily improve your organic ranking in search engines. Have a look at these and check out what you haven’t done yet.
Should you have a specific issue on Search that you’d like to get our opinion on, then do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Focus on specific key terms – instead of trying to rank for every possible keyword at one go – break down your SEO to focus on approximately 6 primary keywords every few months.
Use data from your PPC account to help you informatively select the keywords to focus on for SEO.
Make sure the keywords you are optimising for appear on your website. Place keywords in the copy, URL name, navigation, and Meta tags.
Following on from point 2 – Remember not to stuff your page with keywords! The content must still be readable ie it should make sense when you read it aloud.
When getting links from other websites wherever possible ask for an anchor text link. That is a link that uses your primary keywords as opposed to linking directly to the homepage. This anchor link will have more value.
For more details or to improve your website rankings get in touch with Flarecom