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We know the feeling, we have sometimes spent hours looking for suitable images for clients.

Well the good news is that we can save you some time looking for free stock images as there are a huge variety of excellent free and paid stock images for commercial use available online.

We have got you covered

We have updated our list of stock photo sites as well as stock video sites you can use to find free images for your website or free videos for your website. Whether you need hero images for your blog, placeholder images for your website, or first-rate stock photography for commercial use, you’ll find what you’re looking for right here.

Recent stats show that online video drives a 157% increase in traffic from organic SERPs. With the growth of platforms like Facebook Live and YouTube it's important for local businesses to take stock.

Understanding the value in creating videos for your company can be an effective way to drive new customers.

Although sometimes we all feel like we're missing that creative spark we need to create great content online for our video marketing material.

Creating great video content from scratch can be difficult, however, we can help you create amazing videos that will have a positive impact on your business. But even we can get stuck sometimes.

There’s generally two ways to get great content to use in your videos. One is that you take photos and video clips yourself.

The other one is to use content found online. There are a ton of free resources you can use, so scroll down to get a list of resources you can use to make awesome videos for your business!

How To Find Great (free) Photos and Videos For Your Video Online
There are a ton of great and free resources around the web where you can find amazing photos and video clips for free online! Here’s a list of resources you can use:

Free Video Clips:

Free Photo Sites:

Have we missed any or do you need your free stock photo site added then please let us know as we continually update our resources.

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Flarecom Digital Marketing

Flarecom is dedicated to helping small and medium-size businesses grow through seriously great marketing strategies. Our affordable and effective marketing strategies are designed to help small business compete with large at fraction of the costs